Starting with the Business subscription, you can connect WordPress to ContentRocket for automatic posting. Follow the steps below to configure it.
Last updated
Starting with the Business subscription, you can connect WordPress to ContentRocket for automatic posting. Follow the steps below to configure it.
Last updated
Login into your Wordpress website
Go to Plugins > Add new plugin
Search for: "Make Connector"
Click on "Install now" and hit "Activate"
Click on "Make" on the left side
Copy the API key (1) and paste it into your connection customer settings of your Contentrocket portal:
Click on "Connect" for Wordpress
Put the above API Key into the API key field (2):
Put the REST route Base pointing to your own hostname. Eg. https://contentrocket.io/wp-json/, see 3:
To get full permission to write to your site, click on "Custom API fields" (1) and after that, click on "check all" (2) and click on the bottom on "Save settings"
Click on the tab "Users" (1), click on "check all" (2) and save the settings on the bottom
Click on Plugins (1), and search for the "Advanced Custom Fields" (2) plugin, and click on "Install now"
Create a field group called e.g. "FAQ"
Within this group, create the following 4 fields:
Make sure you select "Post" in the ACF settings:
Create your first post in Wordpress in try to fill the fields: Faqimage, faqdownload, faqvideo, faqflowchart with dummy fields, after this you can follow the step below.
Go back to the Make plugin and verify if the newly created fields of ACF are selected (tab "Custom API Fields", like this:
Install the "Code snippets" plugin, and hit "Activate"
Refresh the page, and hit on the left side on "Snippets" (1) and after that hit the tab "Functions" (2) and after that on "Add new" (3)
Call the snippet e.g. "Youtube" as title and paste the script below:
Or this one for Youtube, for full height:
For Elementor customers, create also the following function:
Add this in case ACF plugin is showing: "the acf shortcode is disabled on this site":
Hit "Save changes and activate"
You are responsible for styling your blog posts. With ContentRocket, we only input the values into the appropriate fields. Please consult your website administrator to style the blog post as needed.
To remove the author details, go to Appearance > Widgets:
Delete the unnecessary items:
Here some other tips to make the blog page better: